Leo Griffiths
Area of expertise:
Data Analytics
Number of years experience:
London, UK
Leo is seeking a role as a Digital Trustee to share his experience in Data and Technology to pro-social causes. Working with DataKindUK, where he is a Scoping and Impact committee member, he has come to understand the need and the impact possible from effectively applying skills, tools and technology to support and enrich the fantastic work that charities do.
Professionally, Leo is a Senior Data Engineer at AnyVan - delivery & logistics marketplace based in London. Here is responsible for developing and streamlining their data platform. Prior to this, Leo worked in data consultancy roles for QuantSpark and PA Consulting and holds a First-class Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Bath.
Outside of work, his free time usually involves practicing yoga and cooking a variety of cuisines.
Available for: In-person meetings, Remote meetings

Contact Leo Griffiths at Leogriffiths@outlook.com