Tools for Self Reliance
Tools for Self Reliance is a medium sized international organisation that supports livelihood development projects for those without regular income, enabling them to find meaningful employment and to secure an income that will support themselves and their families.
Through our Africa Programme we support livelihood development projects delivered by our local partners in Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia. These projects provide people with vocational training opportunities which will equip them practical trade skills and knowledge of how to run their own businesses and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In the UK we have strong support from over 600 volunteers, who give their time to collect and refurbish donated tools which are packed into kits and shipped to our projects. These kits provide the tools needed for training, as well as for the graduates when they come to the end of their training and start working. Our volunteers also play a key role in raising our profile, undertake a variety of fundraising activities and much more.
With a team of 11 staff and 5 Trustees we are undertaking a strategic review in which digital is an important element in Monitoring and Evaluation data as well as Fundraising. We have a CRM (Donify) and use social media. We have 4 staff in Fundraising and Communication but no digital expertise on the Board of Trustees.

About this vacancy
Level of Board commitment required:
Trustees are required to attend board meetings, in person or Zoom. There are four meetings per year, although this may be supplemented with additional meetings if needed.
Induction period:
TfSR is a member organisation and Trustees are elected annually at the AGM. New Trustees are co-opted to the board until elected.
Linda Hansford (Chair of Trustees)