The Edinburgh Tool Library

The Edinburgh Tool Library is a library that shares tools instead of books (though we do have a few books about tools). The idea is simple - for most people, tools are an expensive thing to spend hard earned money on, that also have a disproportionately high carbon footprint (a cordless drill is used on average 13 minutes in it's lifetime, but has a carbon footprint of 26kg). Most people don't need to own a drill, they need a hole in the wall. By sharing over ownership of seldomly used objects like tools, we are promoting a more circular economy. What's more people can live in nicer spaces, and save money by sharing. We also run outreach programmes working with various demographics under represented in the trades and making industries, teaching essential skills and giving them outlets to put these skills to good use to the benefit of themselves and their community.

We are a small staff team of 8 mostly part time staff, we have 80+ volunteers and nearly 3,000 members. We have some digital knowledge in the staff team, but have a skills and knowledge gap on the board in terms of digital, which was identified prior to engaging with Third Sector Lab. In particular, we are looking for someone to support a transition to a new CRM system that will reflect the breadth and depth of work we do across the community, and enable us to engage our expanding community even wider in the range of things we do.

About this vacancy

Level of Board commitment required:
Quarterly meetings with 3-4 other meetings in the year, including a board away day.

Induction period:


Chris Hellawell