Glasgow Boys’ Brigade

The Boys' Brigade is one of the biggest Christian Youth Organisations in the UK & Republic of Ireland, committed to seeing lives enriched by supporting children and young people to reach their full potential by providing opportunities to meet together and engage in a range of fun and developmental activities and experiences.
The Boys' Brigade began here in Glasgow in October 1883, and quickly spread around the UK. It was on 12th October 1885 that the twelve Glasgow Companies held a meeting to form the Glasgow Area Group.
We are an independently funded charity that exists to support our object, The advancement of Christ's kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness"

We have a digital presence via web and social media but would benefit from support to improve all our channels of engagement.

About this vacancy

Level of Board commitment required:
A minimum of 4 Board meetings per session (August to June) Dependent on items on our agenda it has reached a maximum of 6.

Induction period:


Jim McVean