EcoWild CIC
The constant reports of record temperatures, wildfires, floods and droughts in the world today tell us that climate change is happening now.
We are living with ever faster change, both technological and biological.
Children’s roaming radius from their home has decreased by 90% in the past 30 years. Spine and neck problems in young people are at an all time high (linked to sedentary lifestyles and frequent use of hand held screens), and childhood obesity is a well known epidemic. Children also spend less time than ever in free play, which is critical to their development, instead being shuttled from one adult-led activity to the next.
We will need to draw on our incredible human capacity for creativity, resilience and cooperation to meet challenges ahead. Compassion and self awareness are at the heart of finding our courage to create our best future. It is widely known that our wellbeing and resilience is deeply intertwined with that of the natural world, and that there is deep intuitive intelligence available to us through our nature connectedness.
In building EcoWild we considered some truths of our times:
Increasingly we as a species are divorced from the environment in which we spent hundreds of thousands of years evolving. Mental health problems and chronic illness are highest in technologically developed countries. Peer reviewed research studies prove the link between access to natural environment and wellbeing in all its measures; including better physical health, lower crime, less domestic violence, less need for pain relief post surgery, optimised mental health.
In an era of constant threats to humanity through natural disasters precipitated by human induced climate change, the need for environmental custodians could not be greater. In knowing the environment and understanding it we start to value it, and the seeds for environmental stewardship are sown. Remembering ourselves as part of nature rather than separate from it helps us comes to terms with the big changes ahead.
EcoWild is a micro enterprise which has been building a trusted reputation in the West of England for the last 10 years. We currently are a board of 3 Directors (2 non exec), 1 of whom is the founding Director/ Practitioner and only full time member of the team. In addition there are 6 part time members of staff and an occasional tech volunteer. Last year was the first time we had a member of the team who was not involved in delivery of our services/ activities and could focus on developing systems and processes. That has really helped even though she is only 1 day a week. She also does all our comms; social media, newsletter etc.
We use an online booking system for courses and activities, accounting and online payment software, and digital forms for monitoring and evaluation. We integrate closely with other VCSE provisions, health & social care, schools and universities. We partner with larger organisations and initiatives in the area to create most impact. Currently we have 2 partnerships of over 2+ years and a long term but non-secure wellbeing provision through statutory community health services.
Being a small responsive and forward looking organisation we can move quickly, so anyone involved can have a significant impact and see their contribution take hold easily. The board is currently not formalised, and based on direct relationship/ communication between the Director / Practitioner and the Non Exec Directors (trustees).
About this vacancy
Level of Board commitment required:
Quarterly meeting at the convenience of the NEDs
Induction period:
Emily Malik