Charity Excellence Framework

Charity Excellence Framework is a small, young registered charity (No. 1195568 - that provides a unique service: a free-to-use, one-stop digital platform that helps charities and their volunteers maximise their impact. We have created a web-based ecosystem that brings frontline voluntary and community organisations together in a UK-wide network with over 40k users, growing at around 2k / month.

CEF is particularly popular with small/start-up organisations that have limited capacity/expertise and struggle to raise funds. Most community members are the thousands of volunteers who deliver the work of small, grassroots, not-for-profit organisations across the UK. Our ultimate beneficiaries are the millions of people who these organisations support.

Voluntary organisations within our network don’t have the expertise or resources they need to meet the challenges of delivering their work. Crucially, neither are they aware of how to find and access additional resources that will enable them to serve their communities. CEF provides access to free support through our online platform, connecting voluntary organisations to the resources they need and showing how they can put improvements/opportunities into practice. This includes Funding Finder, Help Finder, Data Finder, Charity Marketplace, our ‘Quality Mark’ health check and many other resources . We have taken a leading role in showing how small charities can use AI (chat bots, generative services like ChatGPT etc.) to improve their fundraising and engagement with their constituencies.

We are on the threshold of a major redevelopment of our services, and are eager to recruit 2 trustees from the digital/IT sectors to join our Board to help guide this process and broaden our expertise.

About this vacancy

Level of Board commitment required:
Regular meetings, currently monthly but will move to quarterly during 2023.

Induction period:


Jonathan Badger