Break the Silence
Break the Silence make a profound and positive difference in the lives of those affected by childhood sexual trauma, their partners and family members. We support all genders, age 13+ across East and North Ayrshire. We offer a professional counselling service, working collaboratively at the client’s pace, facilitating positive change through healing to challenge the effects of sexual trauma and to assist post-traumatic growth. We offer psychoeducational support for partners and family members and we explore opportunities to influence, promoting early intervention and prevention and representing the collective voice of those affected by sexual trauma to educate and inform, reducing inequalities by improving education and understanding of trauma in our communities.
The organisation comprises of 9 volunteer trustees who meet quarterly online and 4 full time, 13 part-time/sessional staff and 8 volunteers, working remotely.
We have developed a tailored client management system used for data capture/reporting and work to promote automation where this delivers efficiency/operational improvement. Post-covid we transitioned to a cloud-based platform. We achieved cyber essentials accreditation in July 2023 and have done some initial scoping work with staff and trustees towards developing a digital strategy. We have not yet undertaken a digital maturity audit but seek to better utilise our data to underpin and support strategic planning.

About this vacancy
Level of Board commitment required:
Induction period:
The induction is shadowing a Board meeting and a formal induction process
elaine crichton