Wednesday 9 September 2020, 11.00am - 12.30pm

Cyber security: keeping your data safe while working remotely with Alison Stone, SCVO

Thousands of charities have switched to working remotely overnight. When making this switch, it’s really important to ensure your data and information remains secure. This session will look at the key risks you need to avoid and the actions you need to take to keep your information safe.


About the trainer

Alison Stone is the Cyber Resilience Coordinator at SCVO.  Her role focusses on developing cyber resilience in the third sector as part of the Scottish Government Third Sector Cyber Security Action Plan.  She works with a range of third sector organisations to educate and share good practice with the aim of improving the security of each organisation.  Prior to joining SCVO, she was a consultant and has extensive experience in business continuity and data security/protection in the private and third sector.


This session is only available to staff, trustees and volunteers of third sector organisations - charities, community groups, social enterprises and housing associations.

Alison Stone
Alison Stone