Five with coffee
24 November 2009 | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

If you’re interested in all things non-profit and social media then grab a coffee and have a gander at these five ludicrously useful and interesting blog posts…
50 Social Media Tactics for Non-Profits
Chad Norman provides 50 easy-peasy tactics which will help your charity meet the objectives of its social media strategy. If you’ve not got yourself a social media strategy have a peek at Amy Sample Ward’s advice.
Quarriers Spreading the Social Care Message on Twitter
John Carnell hosts an insightful interview with Marc Bowker of Scottish charity Quarriers. If you take one piece of advice from Marc it has to be: “Don’t flood Twitter with your ‘corporate’ messages, but instead be human about what you say”. Stop shouting at people!
Help Raise $1million for Livestrong by Following @DrewfromTV
I had no idea who hosted ‘The Price is Right’ in the States, apparently it isn’t Bruce Forsyth. I now know who said host is since Beth Kanter pointed out he’s pledged a staggering $1million if he reaches one million twitter followers by 2010.
Your Reputation is the New Online Currency
Claire Rollinson of NCVO provides a brilliant look at Chris Anderson’s and Chris Brogan’s ideas on building online trust.
Do you know this Mo Bro who was on Top Gear?
OK, so this blog post doesn’t really full under the ‘useful’ category but it’s November Movember so it would be rude not to include it.
Have I missed out a mind-bogglingly useful article which you’re read during November? If so leave some linkage in the comments, feel free to shamelessly plug your own blog.