Digital Potential Wales – Weeknotes from Becky Lythgoe, Greenstream Flooring CIC
08 June 2021 | Estimated reading time: < 1 minutes
Over the weekend I came across some examples of mind traps, where we use our previous experiences, assumptions and, expectations to shape a situation, to create a story! Digital can very easily be such a mind trap for me and for my organisation. As the last few sessions have shown what I want digital to achieve is not about tech and being ‘digital’ but is about people. About those human experiences, about what makes something useable and engages a person. Technical solutions have so often been a sticking plaster to a much deeper issue, uncovering those deeper issues is going to be super interesting over the next few weeks. The big challenge will be how to make this meaningful to the whole team and what those steps need to be. Approaching our wider digital strategy needs to be approached like eating an elephant!
There have been some great tools presented over the past week, using Miro to create a project board is so versatile and easy to share. Articulating the knowns, think I know, and unknowns has revealed some of the assumptions we have made as an organisation, and also some of the areas that have been missed when rolling out a new process or system. Using a design cycle has been really useful in conceptualising the steps that are needed to be take, that it does not need to be linear, and that there is no one right way to do things. The importance of taking a planned approach has really resonated, it wouldn’t be possible to eat that elephant without a plan!
Looking to improve your organisation’s digital skills? Check out the digital training offered by The Curve.