Connecting Scotland’s digital community
10 May 2009 | Estimated reading time: < 1 minutes
On Friday night I attended the wonderful Digital Britain Unconference Scotland organised by Craig McGill. Twenty three people crammed into a private area of The Living Room, Glasgow, to discuss the future of the internet in Scotland. Some pretty interesting topics were covered, from broadband access across rural areas to the proliferation of social media. Sarah Drummond gives a great summary of the main points on her blog. This conveniently allows me to be rather lazy and not write too much on a Sunday afternoon. I also stole the photograph above from her blog too, making me doubly lazily.
Andy Bright has posted a very interesting post-unconference video on his blog, discussing disconnection and disparity within the Scottish digital community. I’m particularly interested in his idea of aggregating all of the information spilling out of existing online communities into one hub. This could save an enormous amount of time, save duplication and ultimately be cost-effective.
So what do others think, is the hub concept proposed by Andy the way forward?